Revised Guide Mock Up

Assess Current Resources

How many beds do you have?

  • Quantify numbers and locations of general inpatient and ICU beds
    • What is currently available?
    • What new ICU-level units can be created?
    • What new non-ICU level units can be created?

What skills do your staff have?

What supplies do you have?

  • Inventory PPE, Vents, CRRT and dialysis machines
  • Can ventilators or other supplies be repurposed from operating rooms, children’s hospitals, etc.?

Estimate Future Needs

How many patients are you expecting?

What staff will you need?

  • Team makeup: define the composition of teams for each unit (general inpatient, ICU)
    • Define ideal and stretch levels of care team models
      (See example team compositions in model tables below)

What stuff will you need?

Plan Your Response

How can you safely redeploy staff?

How will your staff be deployed?