Elementor #16

Our Team

The COVID Staffing Project unites collaborators from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Michigan Medicine (including staff from the Center for Surgical Training and Research (C-STAR), the Department of Learning Health Sciences, and the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety (CHEPS)), and the Procedural Learning and Safety Collaborative (PLSC).

We are software developers, administrators, engineers, big data analysts, social scientists, and clinicians dedicated to supporting hospitals and front line providers during the COVID-19 crisis.

Site leads:

Kyla Terhune MD MBA (VUMC)

Brian George MD MA (Michigan)

COVID Staffing Project Team:

Kenneth Abbott MS
Hoda Bandeh-Ahmadi PhD
Jordan Bohnen MD MBA
Xilin Chen MPH
Tanvi Gupta MS
Dan Kendrick MD MA
Alexandra Highet

Andrew Krumm PhD
Andrew Lenox
Sean Loiselle
Anna MacCourt PhD
Laura Mazer MD MHPE
Erkin Otles MSE
Gregory Wnuk MHSA

Additionally, we are indebted to Mike Mulvey, from the San Francisco-based design & development agency Grio, for designing and building our website; and Claire Rudolph, from the San Francisco-based start-up Navigator, which helps people run better meetings, for her wisdom in how to best communicate and share our tools. Their volunteer efforts are much appreciated. 

Our Approach

Our toolkit code is open source—all our projects found at: https://github.com/UMCSTaR

Our goal is not to duplicate work that others have already begun, but rather to combine our work with that of others. We welcome your feedback and suggestions as we navigate this difficult time together.

If you are also working in this domain and interested in collaborating, please contact us.